Bad Girl

Spanky spanky. That’s for the long delay between posts (thanks to all y’all for the nudges). Sorry, new biz stuff is eating my brain. I think I’ve got it figured out, though, and will soon grow a new brain. Check back soon for further proof.

Mia Update
I have been hearing from Miss Mia, for those who want to catch up. No e-mails to post, unfortunately, but she’s been calling me and the new news is that she’s been in New York for a few days auditioning for theatre schools (Circle in the Square and another one, can’t recall its name, urg, no brain). She flew over from London with a friend and they had a blast running around, saw Rent (again) and met up with my nephew Daniel, who’s just off a merchant marine ship from months at sea and flew in from Jordan to meet his girlfriend Kaylie and hook up with Mia in NYC. So fun is being had as we speak by Park offspring from around the globe.

And the trip is on: I have my passport (scary photo) and my ticket for Paris and London, argh…I’m groaning because it’s so ghastly expensive but the closer it gets, the more excited I am about going. We’re flying into Paris April 19 and will hang out for a few days of shopping and eating, and will visit the lovely Other Mia, our longtime friend Mia Gruget from Petaluma who lives in Paris and works for the corporate offices of EuroDisney. She and former boyfriend Jean-Christophe are immortalized in another blog entry (see A Hunger Within). Then train to the Channel, and ferry across to see the white cliffs of Dover, then train to Canterbury (of Chaucer’s famous Canterbury Tales) then London, where I get to stay at the house with the aforementioned laundry-assisting landlady. A bit of running around, gonna see the new stage production of Billy Elliot, take some day trips to Bath (onetime home of Jane Austen) and Stratford (hometown of William Shakespeare), and how I wish I could see Lyme Regis (where Louisa Musgrove fell in Austen’s Persuasion) and Cornwall (King Arthur, yeah!) or trek to Scotland, but it’s fine, whatever we do will be fine.

Then home again April 29, tra la. I’m pretending this won’t cost me thousands of dollars. I’m closing my eyes right now and pretending.

In other news:
I am being shot at sunrise for excessive tardiness of Red Hills Review and thus I submit to you all, faithful followers, that I will be working on it all day Sunday like the shockingly dilatory slacker that I am. I plan to have it print ready by Monday morning or die trying. My wake is next week. Be there. Bring a dish to share. A-G bring salad. H-T, casserole with cream of celery soup. U-Z, hookers and heroin.

Next, writing lots of new essays, hope to have new ones to post here or send out into the world soon. New poetry also cooking at a low simmer, with the lid half off.

Next, did I mention that, courtesy of the Unhusband who loves me like the dickens and once again gave me a birthday to remember, I have a new iPod? I do. Did I mention that I’m in love with my iPod? I am. Did I say how I’m running away with it? I will. In fact, I’m tucking it into my bosom and running away to Paris, just me and my lil’ iPod, together, and free (sorry, sugar). Watch for more romantic news about my iPod and me (but mostly me). Here. Soon.

And now, more about me.

To-do list is long but lots of cool stuff coming up — getting to review some fine CDs (check out my myspace to see who’s on tap and who’s been done). Meeting some terrific up-and-coming musicians for review and interviews in The Music Scene. Working with some committed people at various small ventures who need a little PR support and marketing help. Spending extreme quality time with the Mr. and the girlies. Waiting for the rain and miserable cold to stop so I can plant some more flowers. Reading some great fiction as I work on an article about Oakland in literature. And did I mention my iPod? Hubba hubba.

iPod + me. Tru luv.

More to come. (I know, promises, promises.)

Note to Aspiring Writers: Drink more coffee. Eat more fiber. Play more iPod.

Next time: An assignment.

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One Reply to “Bad Girl”

  1. mia gruget! blast from the past… tell her my folks are still living in penngrove, they’re building little houses up and down all the sleepy streets, and i hope she’s having a blast in paris… would you please deliver a big warm hello to her from me?

    ok, let’s see some ipod set lists, girlfriend…

    love, katje (who is trying to wrestle a used ipod shuffle from her 18yo son who bought himself a videopod)

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