
sick sick sickety sick

…yet again. Ana has had strep and I thought I had it but the doc says no, just another cold. Fabulous…

movies watched = zero

episodes of CSI = about 7, I think

sports watched [it was on, the Man was watching, I was slipping in and out of consciousness] =

  • parts of Sunday Night Football, the Whoozits vs the Whatzits (you couldn’t pay me to remember, kind of out of it. But the Whoozits won, I think.)
  • Game 7 of Cleveland vs Red Sox, and I did see the last home run and final inning. Red Sox. [halfhearted cheer…..zzzzzz]

books read =

  • almost finished The Desire of the Everlasting Hills: Thomas Cahill. One more chapter but it takes brain power that I haven’t got right now.
  • Dick Francis – Odds Against. Horse racing, mystery, dead people, schemes. Turn page. More of same. Perfect for sick reading.

Outings made = one, across the street to the library’s used book sale, where we picked up 4 sacks of books for $10 ($3 each or 2 for $5). Got a huge gardening library, spiritual reading and tons of novels. Good stuff. I staggered back home with my Sherpa, Mr Husband, carrying the load. Went to bed. Later crawled downstairs to paw through and find something else to read. My pick = Dick Francis. [hoarse cheer, followed by hacking cough]

Deadlines up the wazoo but sorry, no can do today. Major inconvenience as it is a scant 12 days till Literati. But I am told to rest so I will live to see another day.

So adieu, mes amis. Au lit…

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