Wide World of Exhaustion (from ME!)

At long last, a new post from me. Mia’s adventures are much more exciting that what I’ve been up to, which is moving, packing, cleaning, unpacking, falling down with exhaustion. Getting back up again. A routine, you might say.

Mia will be home Tuesday, anyway, and then maybe she’ll guest post a decompression version. I will ask her when she gets home and has a hot bath, dabs some goo on her festering mosquito bites, has a real Mexican meal after all these months, and catches up on her zzz’s.

As for me: The PR biz is actually going into hiatus; I still have a number of clients but have applied for a job and also have a temp editing job ahead of me that will keep me busy 20 hrs a week. Editing, of course. I hope with that schedule I can A) earn a regular paycheck and B) still have some juice left over for the writing that I want/need to do. Looking forward to it — editing is straightforward and there isn’t the drama associated with PR, so I hope to settle into something quieter, yet more predictable.

How boring is that?

After a brief respite, however, we’re off to another Literati season. I have one grant yet to arrive and another to apply for, and have to start planning madly, soon. September, perhaps. The date is Nov. 4, and now that I’ve moved, the locale is right across the street from me, practically. We moved out to Alameda Point to the Big Whites (former officers’ housing), and these are lovely homes, built for entertaining and large families. Thus, our brood is comfortably settled, most of them, and I have my own office with a window and a door to close and another a few steps away to the outside world, a patio with bricks and flowers and a place to drink my coffee just outside my office. We have a family room where the kids can chill, and everyone has a room to himself or herself, except Mia will share with her sister when she arrives. A houseful, for sure. I’ll be making big pots of porridge and stew to feed them all. Yes, it’s true: we now live in the proverbial shoe.

But in the works: my poetry book, long-promised. Another Red Hills Review. And Literati. Plus more articles in various magazines and online pubs. Looking forward to all of it — when I can lift my head from the fog of moving houses. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh. It’ll all be over soon.

Mundane and dull, exhausting and relentless, my life these days, yes — and I couldn’t be happier. Truly. Man of my dreams, house of my dreams, great kids, good health, exciting times ahead. What’s left to want?

Advice to Aspiring Writers: Contentment: worth its weight in gold…AND…
When setting up your office or writing space, a window is a must. Otherwise you’ll think you’re in jail. More on this topic as the dust settles.

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