
sweetness and light

Back again at the keyboard, after a challenging two months with a lot of crashing and burning. Seems I’m diabetic — too much coffee and deadline joined by no food or enough exercise, and my body says, harumph. Better change things or else.

Or else.

So I’ve been crashing, feeling yukky, and now learning to eat again. That’s why you haven’t seen me as much lately — just got this figured out this week.

Good food. It’s good, and good for you!
In the meantime…Still waiting for the final word on Measure H — did it pass or didn’t it? So close we just don’t know yet. We’ll have an update tomorrow on the Alameda Sun Web site.

And what else? Everything.

Daughter #2 is graduating from Encinal High School next week. We had prom pre-party at our house. We almost had a dog for about 30 seconds and now don’t. I made cat food last weekend. Everyone said it smelled delicious until they found out what it was. And the cats love it. I have two fantastic new reporters at the Sun and love them. A couple of freelance interns as well. That helps a lot with the weekend overload. I have jury duty next week. Mia is coming in about a week, woo hoo! We are going to Chico to see my dear friend Catie get married. Road trip, woo hoo! My dear Aunt Barbara is coming to visit Sunday, with my mom and dad. The garden looks great. I was gonna be on the Today Show, to talk about my green living, for about 24 hours and then not. East Coast bias! Boo! I started reading a very good book: Eat Love Pray, and we’ll see how it goes. The Sun is moving offices in the next month or so, big news all around. I am behind in many things but slowly and surely wins the race.

That’s all the news I have time to write before bedtime.

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One Comment

  • noreply@blogger.com'

    Brian Park

    Hey, you WILL let us know if you are going to be on the Today Show right? Or any other talk show?? We watch almost every day, at least part of the Today show. We can DVR it too if you are on. Keep us in the loop!. No East Coast bias here!!

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