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Tour des Livres de Oregon, et al

I’m leaving on Sunday, on the train. I am not a fan of flying, though I’ll do it. But, given the choice, I like the train better. I like being able to walk around, see where we are, eat dinner from china plates and watch the landscape roll by. My great aunt Doris traveled by train. So I’m taking the train on my book tour. It starts Sunday, and we (and by we, I mean Doris-who-lives-in-my-head and me, just us two. Just me, actually.) — we get on the train in Oakland at 9pm and arrive in Portland at 4pm, -ish. Then I have to skeedaddle to my hotel because I’m onstage at 7 p.m. In costume. Speaking intelligently. Ha.

But anyhoo, that’s what’s up. I have two readings on the first two nights, and I have a meetup with Doris fans if there are any in Portland. I also am going to hang out with a couple of Portland history nerds who have promised to talk about PDX history til we puke. Or some such.

I have a plan to rent a car and drive myself around to see various and sundry places. Doris’s former houses in Portland. Her schools. Where best friend Marjie lived in Oak Grove, and Doris lived when she was away from her family (1928-29 school year). I want to spin around Reed College and see what I can see. What Doris might have seen. Looking forward to some one-on-one time with Doris-in-my-head.

Then home — another 18 hour ride in the train, overnight again, and a weekend of laundry, and then a couple ‘nother weeks on a train starting in Los Angeles, then to Albuquerque, and then to Flagstaff/Prescott, and then back to Oakland. On the train I will give at least one reading, too. How cool is that?

Then we talk about local readings again — Petaluma and San Francisco and Redding. Very exciting, all of it.

I will be posting to Facebook and probably to my blog, and here’s hoping I don’t have any more adventures of “Julie Parker, Woman of Mystery,” but you never know. So far — so good.

Check out the Doris Diaries web site if you want details about where I’m reading — everything is posted on the Book Tour page, up-to-date. As soon as I get info, I update this. Trust me.

Otherwise, I’ll be tweeting and sniping from Facebook. Same as it ever was.

Also, in case you thought I wasn’t being green anymore, I am. I bought a carbon credit to offset my train trips and use exclusively recycled paper products in everything I produce or sen d out. I also chose print on demand (POD) for the very purpose of working green. Hope that gives you some shiny green comfort. (hearts)

Peace be to you and yours.

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One Comment


    Jon Spangler

    Are you still doing your reading here in Alameda on Friday night?

    I hope you are taking Mia with you for some of your book tour–she offers a terrific interpretation of Doris on stage….

    “Break a leg!”

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