Holiday fun
Dude, it’s Mr Husband and I! We took the cruise of the Lake at Tahoe last week for our anniversary. We joked with the photographer that we were brother and sister. Just being funny. You know how it is. Vaca at Tahoe/Daveland was great. More to follow.
about Pebble Beach, a bit late
We spent Labor Day weekend at Pebble Beach in a McMansion, or maybe it is just a plain old mansion, I don’t know, not having that much experience with mansions of any sort. I’d like to say it was a bit of a test of my ability to relax and enjoy myself and try to keep my Compact (environmental and frugal) ideals intact. I wonder if any of y’all have had this experience — where you’re so busy looking at the waste/energy usage/and whatever is the opposite of green and frugal that you can’t enjoy whatever it is? It feels very Puritanical in spirit to me…trying to “judge not” and…
how I spent my last 10 days
We got home from our mountain vacation at fabulous Daveland a few hours ago and I have been trying to catch up — but with some 1,500 messages, my index finger on the mouse finally gave in. A pity, because all of the stuff I missed was really interesting but my finger says get over it and move on.I spent some time on the quiet deck of the cabin thinking about the joy of stillness and wanted to say again that sitting still and not being busy (“Idle hands are the devil’s workplace,” of course) are a huge challenge for me. I’m always working off a massive to-do list and…
We’re going up to the mountains again next week for annual family retreat, aka vacation. Looking forward to it. I had grand plans of all that I would do on this vacation, but the bigger challenge is actually not in the doing. It’s in the being. So I’m not taking my sewing machine or my laptop. I’m taking some books and some knitting and a notepad, to slow the pace enough that I can write a few thoughts, not catch the entire train. Doing nothing is hard for me. Idle hands are the devil’s workplace, you know. I almost never have idle hands. I always have something cooking in my…