
  • cats,  St Patrick's Day,  work

    sad sunday

    just a note of follow up about Elvis the cat, who may not make it much longer. He’s just not well, poor guy. Without going into great detail, suffice it to say he won’t eat anymore (it’s been more than a week) and is slowly starving, so this may be his last night. Very sad here for Mr Husband and kids. Thanks for asking, friends. * * * I did not make it to the St P’s Day race this morning — have been tending E most of the weekend. This looks to be a crazy week (what other kind is there?). Corned beef and cabbage for 20+ tomorrow night…

  • appreciation,  Catching Up,  random,  work


    What a week! Blessed relief that it’s almost over. But it’s rather exciting when news happens. A nice twist from biz-as-uze. ( It’s a very cool event — bring your over-12s, and menfolk — this is for anyone but they are films by and about women. Plus there will be FREE Luna bars to eat. And lots of people. Friends and relations. You know — the usual suspects. Also this weekend — the Boys & Girls Club Auction/Dinner — I’ve gone to this many a time and it is great fun — alas, I am unable to go this year. And. Also. Many more events. I need to clone myself…

  • appreciation,  Books,  kids,  Sun stuff,  work

    happy birthday, Mom

    It’s my mom’s birthday today. Happy birthday, Liz! We’re on hyper-early deadline because of the holiday so I ran about a lot over the weekend and today, including ice runs and pill charting and snapping pix and writing stories that ROCK. I found out at about 5 or 6 p.m. that Youngest Girl has a project due tomorrow — making crêpes for the whole class. Surprise! Another trip to the store to get more eggs, milk, and the stuff with which to fill crêpes: Nutella (mmmmmmmmmmmmm), bananas, chocolate sauce and whipped cream. I am guessing she gets an A. We mixed the batter (she did it with guidance) and then…

  • Catching Up,  cats,  work

    the man

    The Man is managing as well as can be expected after surgery. That means bandages, pain meds, ice packs and difficulty sleeping. Our good friends Mike (P’s best man) and Jeannie came over today to feed us, bring us beverages and provisions and bags of ice (thank you, thank you!). Jeannie also kicked my patoot around the living room and made me finish opening the wedding gifts. She made me take them out of boxes and put them away, or into the dishwasher. She organized all the cards. There is just one pile left now, and she’s coming back tomorrow (eek!). She also discovered several hundred dollars worth of checks…

  • Sun stuff,  work

    plus one more

    Just heard this: Bay Area BusinessWoman has a page 3 feature on me this month — mostly reproducing the now world-famous press release, but using a different pic (one of my blog pix). I haven’t seen it yet but it’s out in print all over the 9-county Bay Area (including the North Bay, peoples!). If you see one, grab it. Their Web site hasn’t been updated to Nov issue yet but the site is Check back and see. If you have absolutely-nothing-else-to-do.